DSK 2020-06-15-DL_Foto_marc_ihle_DLA_0438-

"ARCHITECTURE-HATS" | A design - and architecture course for kids in the age from 8-14 at the NNKM (Nordnorsk kunstmuseum) for NODA (Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter) i Tromsø | 20/21.06 2020 | Modell & Foto: Marc Ihle

“ARCHITECTURE-HATS” | A design – and architecture course for kids in the age from 8-14 at the NNKM (Nordnorsk kunstmuseum) for NODA (Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter) i Tromsø | 20/21.06 2020 | Modell & Foto: Marc Ihle

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